October 22, 2010

Quick n Easy White Chocolate Mousse

I am a chocoholic. And, no that's no confession. It's a statement. Almost something that attributes to my personality. So much so that if you know me well enough, you would have no trouble in finding a gift for me if you're feeling overly generous when you drop by my place!

That said, I'd like to make things a little more specific. I am a milk-chocolate chocoholic. No other percentage of cocoa will do. And the absence of it simply fails to turn me on. Just like in the case of white chocolate. But once in a way we do buy these white angels, too. Unfortunately, for them, they do not get gobbled down as quickly as their relatively browner cousin. So...this half a bar of white chocolate sat in my friedge for a good 3 weeks. My eyes kept falling on them but neglecting them until yesterday, as I was browsing through Nigella Lawson's dessert videos on out very own web and something miraculous happened!

She fixed White Chocolate Mousse  out of almost nothing. And, I had just the 'nothing' available on hand. You need not guess what we had for dessert last night!

Nigella used mint to flavour her mousse, while I decided to use pineapple essence and top it off with fresh fruit as you see. And, here is what I see....you drooling like a baby!!!

I had just enough ingredients to make us just one bowl of mousse - which in itself was pretty rich and heavy. You could almost call it one and a half servings!. But, if you want to make more just multiply the quantities below by the number of servings you wish to make.

1/4 Cup Cream
1/4 Cup White Chocolate
1 White of an egg
1/4 tsp Pineapple essence
Fresh Fruit (I used pineapples and stawberries)

- Melt the chocolate in the microwave for about 30-45 seconds (depending on how powerful your MW is), checking on it every 10 seconds and stirring. You can use a double boiler as shown in Nigella's video, too.
- Set aside to cool. You could opt to place the bowl of molten chocolate (ah! I love the sound of that!) into another bowl of chilled water to quicken the cooling process. This is Madhuri's tip!
- Pour the cream into a large preparation bowl
- Drop the egg white and pour the essence into the bowl containing the cream
- Whip until it forms soft peaks
- Now, take about a spoonful of the whipped concoction and drop it into the molten white chocolate and fold in. This step prepares the reluctant white chocolate for all the froth that's coming its way!
- Next, pop the folded-in molten white chocolate back into the whipped concoction bowl and fold away until all the contents are well mixed. Take care not to be too rough on this one, else you will loose all the air you whipped in and the mousse will fall apart!
- Pour mousse into your serving bowl(s) [I suggest you use glass ones to show off the dessert]
- Top with fresh, sliced fruit (optional)
- Chill in the fridge for a couple hours (about 3 to 4 hours would be good enough) and serve

This recipe makes about 1.5 servings.

This bowl is off to party at Madhuri's Chocolate Fest as she celebrates one year of Cook-curry Nook.


  1. I dont bother to grab and finish this yummy mousse..

  2. excellent blog. u have a lovely space here.

  3. @ Shruthi - Thanks heaps! Do keep checking back!

  4. Interesting combo of pineapple and which choc, am a sucker for mousse and this looks inviting Deepti! Loved the pics as well.

    Have shared an award with you,please accept it.

  5. @ Suma - Wowie, thanks! I am honoured!!

  6. Oh get out! DONT mention Nigella to me, please! She's the big mamma of food porn, and she knows just how to turn the foodie in me on. Go away, go away. Dont show me that bowl of piquant mousse now, or else I just might run into my kitchen and make myself some of this. And then Im going to blame you for it! Yes, YOU, and not Nigella for once ;)

    PS: Should I say that the pineapple slice and straeberry look like a 'Eid-ka-chand' aur ek 'tara'...ROFL! Forgive me for this, just couldnt help myself ;)

  7. PS: Thanks for the mention in the tip :)
