May 12, 2010

Strawberry Lemonade To Celebrate The First Year!

Time flies! Yes, that is probably the most under-rated statment made by everyone at least once in their lifetime..but it is true. I cannot believe it is one year since I started blogging out here on Some Salt To Taste. One year since I decided that I too could provide my two cents to the already brimming-with-talent food blogosphere. So, here is thanking each and every one of you who have been avid readers of all that I put down here...and to those of you who continue to inspire me with your work!

And, this time around I decided that I will celebrate it by sharing with you all a newly discovered summer favourite. We happened to chance on this drink at an American restautant not too long ago...and it is everything the word 'yum' can describe! Soothing and satisfying, perfect for the upcoming hot summer days - Here's presenting the Strawberry Lemonade!

Oh and yes, Cheers to Some Salt To Taste!

This recipe is courtesy Food Network. I did a lot of research online and I found this (One of Emeril Lagasse's recipes on the Food Network's website). He has included sparkling water in his original recipe, which is how I had mine at the restaurant. I made it without the same since I did not have any on hand. Try out both versions and see which suits your taste buds! Either ways its a great drink.

A dozen strawberries, Washed and hulled
Juice of a medium sized lemon (or about 4 tbsp)
2tsp - Lemon zest
4-6 tbsp Sugar (adjust if you need more sweetness)
5 Cups Water
Mint leaves and lemon slices, to garnish

- Set water to boil in a large saucepan
- Once it bubbles, add sugar and allow to boil until the sugar melts
- Add the lemon juice and lemon zest and take off from the heat 
- Allow it to come to room temperature
- Strain into a large pitcher
- Now, puree the strawberries and add this to the completely cooled 'lemony' water and stir
- Place in refrigerator until chill
- When you are ready to serve, fill glasses with ice and pour strawberry lemonade over them. Garnish with mint leaves and a slice of lemon

I made this and stored it in my fridge for about a week. I had a refreshing glass every day! So I would say this makes around 5 to 8 glasses of strawberry lemonade depending on how much ice you add.

Am sending this glass over to Radhika Subramanian's Fun N Sun event. 

Chill. Enjoy!


  1. Congratulations...and Celebrations!! I just remembered the Cadbury's ad that used to air on DD in the 80's or 90's as I typed this :)
    Way to go gal! Proud of you! Keep up the great job you're doing, and do continue to enthrall us with your yummy-licious creations! May 'Some salt to taste' see many more yummy posts, rave feedback, great awards et al...all the works!
    Bestestest luck and a Big Bear Hug! :-*

    Loadza Luv

  2. Congrats !!!! One upthe great work !
    Such a refreshing drink for a summer day

  3. hey thats a soothing and refreshing one....nowadays in hot weather dont feel like eating solids...urs looks great eye catching..

  4. Congarts on milstone...Keep on rocking dear.
    So fresh lemonade.

  5. Congrats Deepti..keep rocking..

    Beautiful and elegant lemonade...truly refreshing..

  6. hey, congrats...keep blogging..bumped in here for the first time...nice blog...and the lemonade looks so refreshing...nice summer drink...lovely pic.

  7. Thank you one and all for your support, inspiration & readership!

  8. Congrats Depts!! Awaiting more Milestones on this Blog!! Keep up tthe great fantabolous work!!! Hip HIp Hurray!!

  9. Congrats to u , aint it a very wonderful world and u sure make a diff.Deliciously so...
    Love this refreshing drink...very very muc...

    Hullo PAL,

    I love giveaways , as muc as u do!!!!

    So Am also here to tell u something interesting!!!
    SUper giveaway at this link...psst psst, am sure u love LE CRUESET ,dont ya?
    Well its jus one of the goodies u can chose:-))))

    and a few pans and cutters too...baking is fun aint it...

  10. Hi deepti.. thanks for dropping my space and leaving wonderful comment. You have wonderful space as well dear.. Love the color of the lemonade.. very refreshing.. Keep rocking will be often here to see ur wonderful recipes...


  11. Happy blogversry dear ... Love this innovative n fresh lemonade ...

  12. Oh. My. God. I just wanna reach out and grab the gorgeous chilled glass of pink from my computer screen!!!

    You can't imagine how HOT it is here these days, so your recipe is SUCH a well-timed i go to make one :)

  13. @ Pallavi - Yup I heard temps are hitting the roof in India. Do try this one. Just a lil tip, dont blend the berries too much. Make it a pulp, not a that you can feel its texture in your drink. Slurp!

  14. Congrats!! Wish you many more years of happy blogging!! Lemonade looks really very inviting..
